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Technical Features

Version FrançaiseAeronautical Infrastructures
Category B airport

  • Control of the total platform of 195 ha
  • Principally for commercial traffic
  • Aeronautical equipment plan covers short, medium and long haul flights as well as charter flights.
  • 1Runway, orientation North-East 05/23 - Dimensions: 2,480m x 45m
  • Civil Security zone North-West of the runway
  • Commercial Aviation (18,725 m2) : 6 spaces
  • General Aviation (10,450 m2) : 20 spaces


Passenger Terminal

  • Surface area: 4,800 m²
  • Passenger throughput: 550,000 passengers
  • Passenger Traffic 2015 : 586,046 commercial passengers transported (+16.2% vs. 2014)


Aeronautical Resources

  • Administrative Category B.AMW
  • Security Level 7
  • Airport Beaconing HI- BI
  • 1 VOR-DME – identification FGI- Frequency 116.7 Mhz
  • 1 « FA » Locator - Frequency 325 Khz (9.7 NM from FGI- QDR 048)
  • 1 approach ILS- Identification GR- Category I - Frequency 110.5 Mhz
  • Localizer at 108 m from threshold 05
  • Outer Marker at 3.3 NM from threshold 23
  • Available Frequencies (Mhz) : 121,8 (Ground), 120,30 (TWR), 336,30 (TWR UHF), 118,725MHz (ATIS)


Rescue and aircraft fire-fighting services (Sécurité et Lutte contre les Incendies d’Aéronefs -S.S.L.I.A.)

  • 2 water/foam tenders (12,300 Litres water ;1,570 Litres emulsifying agent ; 30 Kg powder)
  • 1 rescue fire fighting vehicle (250 Kg powder)


Aviation Refuelling

  • AIR TOTAL (Tel: Fax :


Airport Assistance

  • SCALA (Tel/Fax: 04 95 71 07 78; Mob: 06 24 00 15 99; E-mails : /


Major Carriers

  • Regular Services : Paris-Orly, Marseilles, Nice (regular airline companies: CCM Airlines/Air France)
  • Charters : Paris-Orly, Paris-CDG, Limoges, Rouen, Tours, Strasbourg, Nantes, Lille, Barcelona, London, East Midlands, Manchester, Brussels, Geneva, Berne…

> AIP File

> Technical File


Technical Features Assistance General Aviation and Business Aviation Advertising Traffic Development, Duties and Fees Statistics and Publications Business Centre